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Your request to link to UniProt for PHD finger protein 23

Target EnzymaticKineticITCArticlesDownloads
Primary IDUniProt Recommended NameSecondary IDsBindingDB NameKiIC50KdEC50koffkonLigProt
Q9BUL5PHD finger protein 23A1DZ74 B3KVH8 B4DLK6 D3DTN4 Q8IZK0 Q96HG7 Q9H5X0PHD finger protein 230106000003
Q9BUL5PHD finger protein 23A1DZ74 B3KVH8 B4DLK6 D3DTN4 Q8IZK0 Q96HG7 Q9H5X0PHD finger protein 230106000003
Q9BUL5PHD finger protein 23A1DZ74 B3KVH8 B4DLK6 D3DTN4 Q8IZK0 Q96HG7 Q9H5X0PHD finger protein 230106000003
Q9BUL5PHD finger protein 23A1DZ74 B3KVH8 B4DLK6 D3DTN4 Q8IZK0 Q96HG7 Q9H5X0PHD finger protein 230106000003